Ledger® Live*Download - Secure Crypto Wallet (Gitbook)

Explore Ledger Live, the secure crypto wallet offering a user-friendly interface, robust security, and a comprehensive platform for managing diverse digital assets.

Steps to Download Ledger Live

  1. Visit the Official Website:

  2. Navigate to Ledger Live:

    • On the homepage, look for the Ledger Live section or navigate directly to ledger.com/ledger-live.

  3. Select Your Operating System:

    • Ledger Live is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Choose the version that matches your operating system.

  4. Download the App:

    • Click the download button for your selected operating system. The download should start automatically.

Installing Ledger Live

  1. Windows:

    • Once the download is complete, open the File

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to install Ledger Live on your computer.

  2. macOS:

    • Open the downloaded .dmg file.

    • Drag and drop the Ledger Live app into the Applications folder.

    • Open the Applications folder and click on Ledger Live to start the installation process.

  3. Linux:

    • Download the .AppImage file.

    • Make the file executable by right-clicking the file, selecting Properties, navigating to Permissions, and checking "Allow executing file as program".

    • Double-click the file to run Ledger Live.

Setting Up Ledger Live

  1. Open Ledger Live:

    • Launch the app after installation.

  2. Initialize Your Ledger Device:

    • Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer.

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your device if it’s new, or connect an existing device.

  3. Add Accounts:

    • Add cryptocurrency accounts by selecting the "Add Account" option and choosing the desired cryptocurrencies.

  4. Manage Your Assets:

    • Use Ledger Live to check balances, send and receive funds, and manage your portfolio.

  5. Security Features:

    • Ensure that your Ledger Live app is up to date.

    • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication where possible.

    • Regularly back up your recovery phrase and keep it in a secure location.

Ledger Live provides a comprehensive interface for managing your cryptocurrencies securely and efficiently. By following these steps, you can easily download, install, and start using Ledger Live to manage your digital assets.

Last updated